Monday, February 21, 2011

Texas Friends Share the Love... First Annual Valentine's Day Swap Event

HandPaintedPetals to Corkycrafts 
HandpaintedPetals to Corkycrafts
Austinleighdesigns sends to MarasFabric

berrybluecreations sends to Barbiegirlie2

MarasFabric sends to OutnumberedNovelties

berrybluecreations sends their swap to AustinLeigh 
BrendasWhite sends to CorkyCrafts

CorkyCrafts sends their swap to HandpaintedPetals

CorkyCrafts sends their swap to SpunkyDiva

OutnumberedNovelties sends to berrybluecreations

BrendasWhite sends to CorkyCrafts

BrendasWhite sends to CorkyCrafts

Barbiegirlie2 sends to BrendasWhite

These are the items that the team members of Texas Friends made and sent to their assigned partners for the First Annual Texas Friends Valentine's Day Swap Event.

I hope you join us for our next Swap Event... Texas Friends Spring Fling and Clean. Details for that swap can be found in our team forums